I am so excited to share with you some new resources I have discovered and some of my favorite podcasts! I often see people in my Facebook newsfeed asking about favorite podcasts and honestly I LOVE podcasts! They are fun to listen to while I travel or while I’m exercising. What I love the most is that they are free and I can listen and learn and be inspired while I move through my day. I thought I’d pull a few together as a resource for when you’re looking for something new to listen to.

Just yesterday I was listening to James Wedmore’s podcast called, “Mind Your Business.” It was episode 224 and his guest was Jonathan Fields. This episode was about discovering your true purpose. According to Jonathan “We’re all born with a certain “imprint” for work that makes us come alive.” If you read my last blog post you can imagine why this would resonate so deeply with me. (If you haven’t read my last post you can find it here.) As a result, Jonathan has developed a new tool called Sparketypes that offers a free online assessment to reveal the essential nature of the work you’re here to do.

Of course I was curious so I jumped over to his website and took the assessment right away. I was extremely satisfied with my results and felt like it described my driving motivation very well! My primary Sparketype is The Sage. You can imagine my delight when the description said that “teaching or ‘illuminating’ is my call! NAILED IT! Everyone also has what he calls the Shadow Type. This is not a dark side to the type but rather it is traits that you possess, but they often hide in the shadow of the Primary Sparketype. My Shadow Type is Advisor which means I find a deep sense of satisfaction when I play the role of the trusted advisor, mentor or coach. Yep, that’s me! I can’t believe how well this assessment described me. I love how it really gets to the drive or motivation for why you do what you do and how you would find the deepest sense of satisfaction in any role where you are able to capitalize on these gifts. You can take the assessment by following this link.

After learning more about the Sparketypes it helped me understand why I love to listen to podcasts and why I love sharing what I’m learning even more! Both my primary type and my shadow type are about gaining knowledge and understanding and then sharing that with others to help make their lives better. I love to share what I’m learning so, without further ado…let me tell you about some more of my favorite podcasts!

The very first podcast I began listening to was Revelation Wellness by Alisa Keeton. I began listening to this faith-based podcast as a part of one of the challenges I did with Revelation Wellness. I love the Biblical teaching that Alisa does while you move your body in worship because it’s a “get to” and “we were made to do hard things!” She also does some quiet meditations in her “Be Still” feature and occasionally does an interview or special bonus episode. I LOVE HER TEACHING! She gets fired up and she really helps me connect moving my body with God’s purpose for my life.

Of course, one of my very favorite podcasts comes to us from our friends at Conscious Discipline! In her podcast, Real Talk for Real Teachers, Dr. Becky Bailey shares new insights about Conscious Discipline, interviews practitioners and experts in the field about their experiences with Conscious Discipline, and inspires us to live life more intentionally. One of my favorite episodes was episodes was “Peeing, Pooping, and Spitting: Seeing Extreme Behaviors as a Call for Help.”

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I have become quite the Enneagram fanatic! As an Enneagram 7, I love discovering and trying new tools that I can use and this one helps me better understand myself and other people! What I love even more about the Enneagram is the spiritual elements. It goes so much deeper that many of the other personality assessments out there. If you would like to learn more about your Enneagram type you can take this quick free test here. Once you take the test, I encourage you to do some of your own searching and learning about your type as well as the other types until you really settle on the one that best describes you. There are many books as well as social media accounts that help you learn more about the Enneagram. Some of my favorite Instagram accounts are “Your Enneagram Coach” and “Enneagram and Coffee”. They post lots of interesting insights about each of the Enneagram types.

I also discovered a podcast by Ian Morgan Cron called Typology and I simply love listening in on their conversations about life and the Enneagram! He interviews so many different people across all the Enneagram Types and I am always so impressed with how much they know about the Enneagram and how much they know about themselves. This podcast has lead to so many new insights about myself and the people I love!

Next up are a couple of podcasts that allow me to geek out about the brain and how people behave. Last summer I discovered Jim Kwik’s podcast called, Kwik Brain and found Brain Warrior’s Way shortly there after because of an interview I heard on Kwik Brain. Both of these podcasts help you understand how the brain functions and steps you can take to care for your brain and improve your functioning!

My list wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t share with you some of my favorite motivational podcasts. Last summer I discovered this sweet southern teacher, Kayse Morris, who is the author over at Teaching on Less. I have so enjoyed watching her stories on Instagram! She is so motivated and has inspired me in so many ways over the last few months. She recently started a podcast called “Go-Getters” and I love how short and sweet her casts are she gets straight to the point! She also shares her favorite podcasts in her stories and introduced me to Jenna Kutucher, James Wedmore, and Brendon Burchard. Each of these entrepreneurs share information and strategies for success and being motivated to dream big and develop practical skills that help you reach your goals and be your best!

Last, but not least is one of the most inspirational ladies of 2018, Rachel Hollis! In the spring I listened to Rachel’s book, “Girl Wash Your Face”. If you haven’t read that book, stop what you are doing now and go order it NOW! As I listened to Rachel read the book on Hoopla I felt so connected to her story in so many ways. I love how she got so honest about the lies we tell ourselves and how she has overcome so much to be where she is today. She is such an inspiration! I had never heard of Rachel before reading her book, but I rushed right over and followed her on social media and soon started listening to her podcast. She is a little ball of fire! Her podcast is called RISE and she shares heartfelt stories and interviews that help you rise to be the best you can be! I can’t wait for her new book coming out in 2019 titled, “Girl Stop Apologizing.”

These are a few of the other podcasts I listen to and you may enjoy checking them out:

Faith: Max Lucado Daily Devotion, A New Beginning with Greg Laurie, Truth for Life with Alistair Begg, Your Move with Andy Stanley,

Fun: Going Scared with Jessica Honegger, For the Love with Jen Hatmaker, This American Life,

Better Life: Super Soul Conversations with Oprah, Vibrant Happy Women, Rise Together, Unspoken, The School of Greatness, Tony Robbins Podcast

That pretty much sums it up! I hope to find some new favorites this year! Comment below and share some of your favorites! I’m always on the lookout for new ones! Keep on learning and enjoy living your BEST LIFE!

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