Jenny’s Original Creations

Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace for educators to buy and sell products that may be useful in teaching or reinforcing skills with the children in their care.  You can find my available resources here.

My top seller for the classroom is this book that helps children learn how to be helpful in their School Family.™

My top seller for the home is this adorable bedtime routine visual.  You can purchase your copy here.

Favorite Products

(affiliate links included)

Time Timer

The Time Timer
This is the 12 inch Time Timer. It was the perfect size to hand on a command hook on the wall so we could use it to prepare children for transitions such as clean-up time.


When I was in the classroom, the Time Timer was one of my most valuable tools.  It is a visual timer that helps turn chaos into calm by providing structure to difficult tasks and transitions.  There are many uses for the Time Timer.  You can learn more about their various products here.


Conscious Discipline® Resources

This link takes you to a collection of free resources offered by the Conscious Discipline website.  Below you will find links to some of my personal favorites!