Hop into Fine Motor Skills for Preschoolers with “Five Green Speckled Frogs”

One of my all time favorite spring songs is “Five Green Speckled Frogs”.  Preschoolers love this song and there are so many fun activities you can do with frogs.  What preschooler wouldn’t rather hop than walk to their next destination? This activity was inspired by a post I recently pinned from Deborah over at Teach Preschool.  I’ve […] Read more…

Building Powerful Connections with Infants and Toddlers

If you are a parent or teacher chances are that you have felt like this at some point in your life!   There are so many things demanding your time, attention, and energy.  If you don’t get some relief quickly you might just short circuit, explode, or errupt into flames!  This might be especially true if you have infants and […] Read more…

Preschool Classroom Structures: Turn Transition Chaos Into Calm

You know the scene…it’s center time and all the little preschoolers are so engaged in their various play activities UNTIL…dun…dun…dun…it’s time for clean-up!  Oh no!  What now?    Never fear!  Super S.T.A.R. is here!  This superhero helps us (not just the kids, but the teachers too :)) remember to pull ourselves together when when the […] Read more…

Shubert Teaches about "LOVE-ABILITY" for Disability Awareness Month

  Meet Shubert the Firefly!  He’s the mascot for Conscious Discipline and he was a special guest at our school this past week.  He came to help students discover the tools they have that help them with LOVE-ABILITY.  Love-ability you ask?  What’s Love-ability?  Love-ability is something we ALL have.  Since beginning my Conscious Discipline journey […] Read more…

The Safe Place: A Self-Regulation Station

Think of the last time you were really upset.  I mean so upset that you just didn’t want to talk to or even look at anyone.  Now, think of how you would feel if someone that you love very much either told you to “calm down”, “stop it”, or dismissed your feelings all together.  Maybe […] Read more…

Preschool Activities that Foster Caring

It just doesn’t get any cuter than seeing a group of three year olds pass around this little heart-shaped box while filling it with kisses for their friends that are missing from preschool that day. Each day during our Brain Smart Start we count all the children and discover who is missing.  We pass this […] Read more…

The After-Christmas Tree

                                                    Last week we really enjoyed our study of what animals do in the winter. What better time to study it than when we have 6 inches of snow on the ground!?! One of our favorite activities was making this pine tree decorated with birdseed just like in our story. The children practiced cutting skills by […] Read more…

More than JUST a Bag of Books

Each day in our preschool classroom we have some time for independent reading right after snack. There are times when this can be a very chaotic. About a year ago I came up with a plan to help organize this time better for the children and they LOVE it (and so do I)! At first, […] Read more…

Bedtime Routines

Do you ever find yourself depleted of energy and patience at bedtime? I’m sure I’m not alone in my efforts to just stay calm until they lay their sweet little heads down for the night! I have found it very helpful over the years to add little rituals and routines to bedtime. When it seems […] Read more…

A Harvest of Helping Hands

Last week we had a little homework project that turned out to be a great lesson in helpfulness! Each child was asked to go home and trace one of the hands of every family member. They used some colorful construction paper I gave them. After each hand was traced and cut out, their parents helped […] Read more…

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